Fine Bodies, Coachbuilt in Britain

by Rod Ward 

~Mini Review~

Akin to the well-known Shire publications, or even the earlier popular Profile series, this slim offering in the Auto Review Book series gives a potted history of UK coachbuilders and a huge range of period and modern photographs, printed at a very small size. Much of the information is regurgitated from elsewhere with the inevitable result that, without further checking, some misleading data gets included, as well as some typos. Even so, this is an entertaining romp through the famous names, enlivened by the variety of images.

Jonathan Wood’s Coachbuilding (2008) in the Shire Library series is similarly priced but with 56 pages is a more serious treatment of the subject.


Copyright 2012, Tom Clarke ( 

Fine Bodies, Coachbuilt in Britain
by Rod Ward
Zeteo Publishing, 2009
32 pages, illustrations, softcover
List Price: £5.95
ISBN 978-1-900482-54-1

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