Archive for Items Categorized 'British', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Nash-Healey, A Grand Alliance

by Nikas and Chevalier

If you know the marque, you know that there has not been a prior book. If you don’t, this one will take you into a much deeper rabbit hole than just those cars. And if you appreciate intelligent writing and good design you will see here just how much is achievable.

McLaren: The Road Cars, 2010–2024

by Kyle Fortune

Most carmakers build road cars to finance their racing effort. McLaren went the other way. With full access to their archives and personnel, along with driving impressions by automotive journalists, this book seems to tick so many boxes that even company insiders say they learned something.

The MG Century: 100 Years—Safety Fast!

by David Knowles

A really fine, wide-ranging book by an authoritative writer who has unearthed a few new morsels; If you put MG out of your mind decades ago, it’s time to wake up and realize the brand is now “the export pinnacle of one of the world’s largest carmakers.”

Morgan – An English Enigma: The Vintage and Classic Years

by Martyn Webb

Plenty has been written about the anachronistic cars, now in their 115th year of production. What sets this book apart is that the author is the company archivist and that many of the hundreds of photos have never been published before.

British Sports Cars 

by Richard Gunn

Any “Top Ten” list of sports cars will include examples from Great Britain. This short book is a quick but well-illustrated romp through 140 years of history.

An Austin Anthology: Volumes I, II, III

by James Stringer

Austins flew, floated and farmed, powered two- and four-wheelers, ran on rails, worked as taxicabs and went on very long trips.

Bentley Speed 8: The Comprehensive Story of Bentley’s Last Le Mans Winner 

by Andrew Cotton

That the 2001–03 Bentley EXP Speed 8 is considered the most beautifully designed sports racer of the modern era is just one of its attributes. This award-winning book benefited from full access to the archives and features primary sources and excellent photography.

Kim: A Biography of M.G. Founder Cecil Kimber

by Jon Pressnell

This epic book is less about the cars than the man behind them, and in this case especially you cannot appreciate the former without the latter. Pressnell leaves no stone unturned to present a multi-faceted picture of a complicated man who took the firm to the loftiest of heights—only to be fired.


by Cornelis van den Berg

If you dream about going into car manufacturing, look at these guys. One of them had actually done it for real—TAD Crook aka “Mr. Bristol.” Long retired, he sat for an interview, from which is spun this narrative nonfiction the publisher calls “accurate, but not always factual.

Allard Motor Company: The Records and Beyond

by Gavin Allard

This extensively illustrated book has more than just the obvious appeal to Allard owners: it reproduces the factory records for all the chassis built, and by this and other means connects many dots across the whole of the British motoring scene.

The Lotus Book Type 1-74 & The Ian Walker Racing Elans

by Colin Pitt

Covering this many cars in one single book of not even 200 pages can only be accomplished one way: keep it light and tight. This isn’t so much an emulation of the Lotus credo but the author/publisher’s default writing style.

Triumph Cars: 100 Years

by Ross Alkureishi

A really good look at the cars and the people who made them, spiced with plenty of well-deserved criticism of the politics that drove this fine marque into the ground.