Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Mercedes-Benz C 111

The Definitive History of the Mysterious Supercar That Never Was
by Heidbrink & Hack
It’s not the car that is mysterious but the circumstances that kept if from becoming the hit for which scores of 1969 auto show visitors wrote blank checks. M-B owns all the cars it ever made, and this is the one book that covers them.
La vie en rouge Ferrari / Life in Ferrari Red

by Christian Martin & Jean-Marc Thévenet
Lots of photos and an assortment of vignettes about Ferrari miscellanea, mostly with a French connection.
Marcello Gandini, Maestro of Design: Revisited

by Gautam Sen
Miura. Countach. Montreal. You know those names but Gandini did so much more and counts among the most exceptional designers in history. Yes, you’ve seen a book with this title before. But that’s years old and long sold out. This is not a revision but a wholly new animal—it costs less but contains more! What??
Ferrari in F1

by Peter Nygaard
No team has competed in F1 for longer, had more poles, earned more points, has more World Championship titles and GP victories. This book covers 1950–2024 and explains not so much the why but the what and who. But the real star are the hundreds of photos, many/most new to the published record.
Mr. Francois Secret Cars: 300 Promptographs

by François Mercier
Did you did catch that title, Promptograph? Not a typo, and it’s a real but very new word. It clues you in what to expect here. Get ready for a fun ride.
Unless you fear that A.I. is the end of life as we know it.
Ferrari in America: Luigi Chinetti and the North American Racing Team

by Michael T. Lynch
A topic essential to the history of Ferrari in America and, given the enormity of that market, to the marque as a whole, both in regards to motorsports presence and road car brand value.
The Art of New German Car Photography: autoalbum 06

autoalbum 06
Fifty of the best German automotive photographers, or photographers who work in Germany, or for German clients. No matter. Car photos. Well, mostly of cars. Definitely not car words.
Inside OSCA: The Bolognese Miracle That Amazed The World

by Carlo Cavicchi
OSCA was the brainchild of the Maserati brothers and they certainly knew what’s what in sports- and racecar-building. But: “Much as genius was overflowing in Bologna, money was lacking.” Always the money. This book tells the story mostly in photos.
Honda: Road to the Red Zone, Sports Story / Voyage en Zone Rouge, l’histoire sportive

by Lionel Lucas
You see Hondas every day; you see books every day. But wait. What you don’t see every day are the Type R versions covered here and you definitely don’t see ambitious, creative, and fun books like this often!
Growing Wings: The Inside Story of Red Bull Racing

by Ben Hunt
Motorsports revolves around a vast multitude of unknowables, making the hand of fate a fickle one. Money buys many things but not guaranteed success, but without money, nothing is easy. From the Foreword all through the book the common theme is overcoming self-doubt and committing to the mission.
Lockheed Constellation: A Legends of Flight Illustrated History

by Wolfgang Borgmann
A fine book with which to start your Constellation discovery, and also to appreciate big-picture factors such as how different the playbook for air travel once was—and how difficult it was to have to deal with Howard Hughes.
Baldwin Locomotives

The title is straightforward enough, but what do you expect will be in this book? It will almost certainly surprise you; whether it’s a good surprise depends on where you are in your loco knowledge.