Archive for Author 'John Aston', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Schlegelmilch Sportscar Racing 1962–1973

by David Tremayne
An important photographer, an important period, expect to be entertained and delighted and moved the way only images can do.
Watching the Wheels, My Autobiography

by Damon Hill
A candid and intense look at a life that became complicated way before the author took up racing and became world champion.
Once In a Great City, A Detroit Story

by David Maraniss
Greatness comes before the fall, and Detroit was once great. You’ll wish you’d had the chance to experience it yourself but until it becomes great again, this book will have to suffice.
Thus Spake David E.

by David E. Davis
An acquired taste, and best to consume the bombast in small doses. Still, a distinctive and colourful voice that immeasurably enriched automotive journalism.
Forever Young: Six Lost Talents of Motor Racing

by Wagstaff, Marriott, Saltinstall & Banks
A tribute to drivers who were on their way to a promising career but died doing what they loved before seeing it fully blossom.