Archive for Items Categorized 'Art, Artists and Design', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Of Firebirds & Moonmen: A Designer’s Story from the Golden Age

by Norman J James

If you were a newly-minted designer in the 1950s, the place you would want to go to work would be GM. Legendary Harley Earl ran his design division as his own private fiefdom, and his Knight’s Errant were his designers.

A Century of Automotive Style, 100 Years of American Car Design

by Michael Lamm & Dave Holls

When first released in 1996 the book garnered raves from everywhere and everyone. The automotive media heaped on still more praise—and now it is released as a searchable DVD.

Rust In Peace

by Malcolm Tucker

The proverbial tooth of time spares nothing and no one. As the title implies, this book features automobiles in various states of decay and disintegration. While this may appear an odd, or morbid, topic for a coffee table book, it is the inevitable fate of most cars.

The Alphabet and The Automobile

by Murray L Smith, illustrations by Charles W Queener

Typically A-B-C books are for little kids. It is obvious at first glance, however, that this one wasn’t intended for those lively little minds with short attention spans. Those kiddos are captivated by A is for aardvark and a Blue Train for B is likely to elicit a squeal of “Oh, show me Thomas the Tank!