Archive for Items Categorized 'Architecture', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Wonder City of the World: New York City Travel Posters

by Nicholas D. Lowry et al
A superb book that tells the story of a premier city and of “American-ness” in the form of posters that catered to, first, immigrants and then tourists.
The Private Library

by Reid Byers
An indulgence for some and a necessity for others, the private library—its purpose, function, and history—deserve deep thought. Oddly, little of substance has been written about it. After this book, no one else needs to bother trying.
Carchictecture, Houses with Horsepower

by Demeulemeester, De Bruyne, Voet
“A car is not a horse. It doesn’t need a barn.” A very famous architect (who actually owned many cars) said that. Well, this Belgian book begs to differ and offers examples from different parts of the world.
Where Today Meets Tomorrow, Eero Saarinen and the General Motors Technical Center

by Susan Skarsgard
Completed in 1956 the building was lauded for its architectural and technical accomplishments and became an icon of midcentury design. More importantly, it is still in service.
England’s Historic Churches by Train

by Murray Naylor
If you like trains and ecclesiastic architecture, this book combines them. Thirty-two churches—large and small, famous and obscure, ancient and newer—and how to reach them are presented here.
Portal to the Corps: Chronicling the National Museum of the Marine Corps

Edited by Jessica del Pilar
Opened in 2006, the Marine Corps Museum is a striking structure—and not by accident. This book relates the story behind the design of the building and the exhibits. No matter what you think about the Marine Corps, you’ll have to try pretty hard not to be impressed!
Architecture and Automobiles

by Philip Jodidio
Take a tour around the world to see examples of how the car begat architecture specific to its requirements or complementary to the attributes it embodies, from the obvious—like car museums—to the not so obvious—like accoustic barriers.
Louis Vuitton: Architecture and Interiors

by Edelmann, Luna, Magrou, Mostafavi
Just as Apple in our age considers its store design part of “brand management” so did that purveyor of luxury travel goods and accessories, Louis Vuitton, many years before.
Towering Mirrors, Mirroring Towers: Photographs of Urban Reflections

by David Weinberg
As a reader you know that you can read a word even if some of its letters are missing. Can you “read” a building too if some of its parts are missing?
Interiors and the Legacy of Postmodernism

by Terry Farrell
You live in houses, walk through cities, take trains, go to public buildings. If you knew what to look for you might recognize what they have in common. Read the book, and next time you’ll know.
Architecture of Transportation

Planes, trains, automobiles—how does the task of keeping people moving affect buildings?