Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Auto-Mobilität – Wie der Mensch das Laufen verlernte

by Roland Löwisch

The history of the car and all the various bits that made it possible, from the taming of fire to the taming of animals to the invention of the wheel.

A formidable, illustrated reference book you’ll be picking up again and again. Even if you don’t speak German!

Il Cavallino Nel Cuore, Autobiography of a Designer

by Leonardo Fioravanti

From junior stylist to Managing Director at Pininfarina, high-level positions at Fiat and Ferrari, his own design-engineering-architecture firm—this fabulously illustrated book offers rich detail of a rich life.

Rocket and Jet Aircraft of the Third Reich

by Terry C. Treadwell

A popular subject these days—but this book won’t be! Too inaccurate.

Russian Warships in the Age of Sail 1696–1860

Design, Construction, Careers and Fates 

by Tredrea & Sozaev

Britannia may have ruled the waves although at the time Scottish poet and playwright James Thomson wrote his poem Rule, Britannia! in 1740 it was meant as an exhortation, something to aspire to, not a statement of fact.

Flying Boats of the Empire: The Rise and Fall of the Ships of the Sky

by Richard Knott

To make the far-flung corners of their empire accessible, the British built a flying boat called—Empire. A fleet of over 40 plied the skies for a decade, until something new and better took its place.

How to be a Good Motorist

by Harold Pemberton

Written in the 1920s this little book seeks to brief new drivers on road etiquette and basic knowledge about owning and operating a motorcar.

Motors Finest, Rolls-Royce and Bentley from the Seeger Collection

by Peter Müller

Soon this private collection will be open to the public but unless your travels take you to Liechtenstein, this book is the only way to see the cars all in one place.

The Lancaster and the Tirpitz

by Tony Iveson & Brian Milton

The subtitle calls only the bomber “legendary” but not the battleship? A good and necessary book but a bit one-sided.

Turbo 3.0, Porsche’s First Turbocharged Supercar

by Ryan Snodgrass

A truly important technological success, and not only for Porsche. Turbocharging is the way many hypercars go these days and this glorious book lays it all out.

Desert Boneyards: Retired Aircraft Storage Facilities in the U.S.

by Patrick Hoeveler, Adel Krämer

End-of-life questions are complicated, even for inanimate objects. Organ donor? Cremation? Cryogenics? Stuffed museum display? What happens to old aircraft when their glory days are past?

The World’s Fastest E-Type Jaguar, The Quest for the Record

by Phil Shephard

That a 50-year-old E-Type set a record on the ice, twice, actually, is surprising enough. So is the story of its amateur crew coping with small budgets and many a deprivation.

Shelby Mustang GT350

by Chuck Cantwell

An insider’s look at the early days of Shelby American getting into “mass production” and turning a car with sporty pretensions into a race-ready and race-worthy macine.