Archive for Items Categorized 'Automobiles', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Opposed Piston Engines: Evolution, Use, and Future Applications

by Jean-Pierre Pirault and Martin Flint
This book is an in-depth look at the type of engine Bill Gates et al are hoping to drive to the bank in the future. It addresses automotive issues but also deals with marine, aero, and commercial and military applications in the same detail as well as its history since the end of the 19th century.
Mark Donahue: His Life in Photographs

by Michael Argetsinger
This book is a companion volume to Argetsinger’s excellent bio Mark Donohue: Technical Excellence at Speed. Publisher David Bull clearly has his fingers on the pulse of what readers want—and are able to afford.
Mark Donohue: Technical Excellence at Speed

by Michael Argetsinger
This biography consists of two books, this 344-page text version with only 40 photos and a second volume consisting of several hundred photographs with relevant captions. Argetsinger has written a remarkable and fitting tribute to one of America’s greatest race drivers.
My Father the Car: Memoirs of My Life With Studebaker

by Stu Chapman
North Americans have always known about Daimler, or Daimler-Benzes after these two amalgamated in 1926. However, in spite of Max Hoffman’s best efforts, it wasn’t until the company, by then called Mercedes-Benz, made an arrangement with Studebaker that it really achieved a North American presence.
Driving Forces: The Grand Prix Racing World Caught in the Maelstrom of the Third Reich

by Peter Stevenson
The pre–WWII German Grand Prix cars remain among the most fascinating of machines for vintage motorsports enthusiasts. This book takes a different tack and looks at the human side of the story.
Dictionary of World Coachbuilders and Car Stylists

by Marián Suman-Hreblay
This impressive reference work lists all of the well known—and numerous not-so-well known—car coachbuilders and stylists in the world: 3174 car coachbuilding companies and design centers, and 1161 car stylists and related personalities.
Alpine and Renault: The Development of the Revolutionary Turbo F1 Car 1968 to 1979

by Roy Smith
Neither Alpine nor Renault seem likely candidates for developoing the first turbocharged Grand Prix car. Finally there is proper book to tell the story of the people and ides behind it.
A Technical & Operational History of the Liberty Engine: Tanks, Ships and Aircraft 1917–1960

by Robert J. Neal
One of history’s most famous engines, and very possibly the one with the longest active military service life, the Liberty represents an ambitious and visionary solution to what could have become an intractable problem: too much creativity resulting in too muchf incompatibility.
André Lefebvre and the Cars He Created for Voisin and Citroën

by Gijsbert-Paul Berk
In addition to his work at Voisin, Lefebvre was in large part responsible for the Citroën Traction Avant, the H series trucks and vans, the 2CV and the DS—to have been responsible for just one of these cars would be worthy of nomination to the Engineering Hall of Fame!
Hitler’s Motor Racing Battles: The Silver Arrows under the Swastika

by Eberhard Reuss
Ever since producing a 1999 documentary on this subject for German television the author perceived a vacuum in the literature about the famous Auto Union and Mercedes-Benz Silver Arrows of the pre-World War Two period.
Silver Arrows In Camera

A Photographic History of the Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union Racing Teams 1934–39
by Anthony Pritchard
This book delivers more than its subtitle promises! If the word “photographic” were missing, no one would feel short-changed. Not only is it an excellent source of period photography, it also contains a thorough textual treatment in the form of contextual narrative.
Bluebird CN7: The Inside Story of Donald Campbell’s Last Land Speed Record Car

by Donald Stevens
This book tells the story of a pair of brothers who designed and built CN7 with a mind to break the world’s land speed record. In the hands of Donald Campbell, the greatest-ever LSR holder, this gas turbine-powered car established itself as the fastest wheel-driven vehicle on earth.