Archive for Items Categorized 'Award Winner', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Mercedes-Benz C 111

The Definitive History of the Mysterious Supercar That Never Was

by Heidbrink & Hack

It’s not the car that is mysterious but the circumstances that kept if from becoming the hit for which scores of 1969 auto show visitors wrote blank checks. M-B owns all the cars it ever made, and this is the one book that covers them.

Honda: Road to the Red Zone, Sports Story / Voyage en Zone Rouge, l’histoire sportive

by Lionel Lucas

You see Hondas every day; you see books every day. But wait. What you don’t see every day are the Type R versions covered here and you definitely don’t see ambitious, creative, and fun books like this often!

The Austin Pedal Car Story, The Fascinating History of Austin’s J40 and Pathfinder from 1946 to Present Day

by David Whyley

Austin J40 pedal cars may be diminutive. Telling their story is anything but. With over 32,000 produced since the first ones 75 years ago, they are being made again albeit with re-engineered, contemporary mechanical components.

Happy Lucky Days – My Life in Racing 

by Bob Evans

Racing in the the glory days of F5000, Evans showed plenty of talent but as his entertaining and candid autobiography shows, scoring points and wins has a lot to do with factors outside a driver’s control.

Speed Queens, A Secret History of Women in Motorsports

by Rachel Harris-Gardiner

For almost ten years the author has run the Speedqueens blog, and it contains a lot of material. She has a plethora of stories to
tell, and while she crams too much information into this debut book, it also offers her and others great opportunities for further exploration.

Morgan – An English Enigma: The Vintage and Classic Years

by Martyn Webb

Plenty has been written about the anachronistic cars, now in their 115th year of production. What sets this book apart is that the author is the company archivist and that many of the hundreds of photos have never been published before.

Cord Complete

by Josh B. Malks

Cord Complete is simply the most appropriate title possible for this book for a myriad of reasons. Comprehensiveness is just one of those reasons. It is an amplification of Malks’ earlier volume on the same topic.

Joseph Figoni: Le Grand Couturier de la Carrosserie Française

Vol. 1: Alfa-Romeo
by Larsen and Erickson

If coachbuilder Figoni is on your radar, you’re in luck because this is the first volume in a series that will cover the five main marques and most minors in about a dozen books. They will break your bookcase and your bank account. But what fun you’ll have!

Bentley Speed 8: The Comprehensive Story of Bentley’s Last Le Mans Winner 

by Andrew Cotton

That the 2001–03 Bentley EXP Speed 8 is considered the most beautifully designed sports racer of the modern era is just one of its attributes. This award-winning book benefited from full access to the archives and features primary sources and excellent photography.

The Art of NASA: The Illustrations That Sold the Missions

by Piers Bizony

Picture a time when no one outside the professional community thought much about space—except that it mustn’t fall to the Russians. So, if we really need to go there, how would we do it? And how do we get the taxpaying public excited about the newest frontier? More than two hundred illustrations tell that story.

Abarth: Racing Cars – Collection 1949–1974

by Franz Steinbacher

This is a look at a highly curated Swiss collection of mostly racing Abarths, and in telling their story the book also gives a good idea of what made the cars and the company so special.

Mercedes-Benz C 111: Fackelträger, Traumsportwagen und Rekordjäger

by Kalbhenn, Heidbrink, Hack

Those gullwing doors are about all the C 111 had in common with the famous 300 SL whose impact M-B was so eager to replicate. Only a few were built, mainly serving as test beds, and the successor C112 was scrapped altogether but this is a big and interesting story.