Archive for Author 'Graham White', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
An Account of Partnership – Industry, Government and the Aero Engine

by M.C. Neale, editor
Bulman played a crucial role in getting Britain’s embryonic WWII aircraft development off the ground. Intrigue and politicking, groundbreaking ideas, all the big names in the aero industry of the day make an appearance.
The Bombing of Rolls-Royce at Derby in Two World Wars

by Kirk, Felix & Bartnik
Industrial sites are a prime bombing target, so much so that the British set up “shadow” factories to fool the enemy. But the actual R-R works took their share of hits, and here’s their story.
Fast Jets, The History of Reheat Development at Derby

by Cyril Elliott, with contributions from John Goodwin
Afterburners are a slick piece of technology. The Rolls-Royce company played a crucial role in pioneering and finessing such work.
Negative Gravity: A Life of Beatrice Shilling

by Matthew Freudenberg
This aeronautical engineer solved a vexing problem in a famous WWII aero engine, raced motorcycles, had a long string of letters after her name, but resolutely marched to her own beat—which is why today few remember her!
By Precision Into Power: A Bicentennial History of D. Napier

by Alan Vessey
From the earliest days of the Industrial Revolution into the 21st century, Napier engines and precision machinery made progress—literally and figuratively—possible. This book takes a stab at telling that story.
The Engines of Pratt & Whitney: A Technical History

by Jack Connors
The title of the book may not be showstopper but the book is commendable on all counts that matter to a reader: it is written in an uncommonly engaging style, introduces new material to the record, makes it easy for the reader new to the subject to develop an interest in it.
Pegasus, The Heart of the Harrier

by Andrew Dow
Being one of the most innovative gas turbine aircraft engines ever developed, it is gratifying to see a book dedicated to the Rolls-Royce Pegasus, arguably the world’s first successful VTOL aircraft engine. VTOL has been an aviation goal for decades with many failures along the way.