Archive for Author 'Helen Hutchings', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Buick, The Australian Story

by Eric North and John Gerdtz
The story of the auto industry in Australia, especially the Holden aspect, is interesting all on its own. As with many American makers, Holden too dates back to saddlery and carriage-building beginnings with the company bearing a man’s surname.
Four Works of Fiction by B S Levy
Writing a novel is both a skill and an art, requiring an author to make “word” people who we, as the readers, will find believable and simultaneously keep us engaged, so that we keep reading and turning those pages. If the author happens to be writing historical fiction—well, that’s one more challenge, because now what […]
Let ’Em All Go!

by Chris Economaki
A “must have” if you have any interest whatsoever in any aspect of motorsports. There are few who have seen as much, experienced as much, or spent as many years across all facets of the sport and business as Economaki.
A Drive in the Clouds: The Story of the Aerocar

by Jake Schultz
All too often writers of transportation articles and books do a fine job of telling the automotive/train/plane story, but fall short when trying to convey the human side. Not Schultz.
A Tale of Two (GM) Books

A Tale of Two Books — with apologies to Charles Dickens It is simply human nature that you have likely clicked ahead to those “vital statistics” to see how much these books cost before even starting to read these words about them. It is just as likely that, generally speaking, you are already accustomed to automotive […]
Fordlândia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford’s Forgotten Jungle City

by Greg Grandin
There are books about the T, the A, ’32s, Ford in competition, Henry and Edsel, Ford vs Ferrari—it truly is a very long list of books that parse out and relate various aspects of Ford. And now there’s one about Ford City!
Motion Performance: Tales of a Muscle Car Builder

by Martyn L Schorr
Many of the already-in-print “muscle” books mention a Motion or Baldwin-Motion car, but this boo is the only one exclusively devoted to the subject. And I’ll venture it might be the only one devoted exclusively to Joel Rosen’s tuning prowess.
Fast Company: Six Decades of Racers, Rascals and Rods

by Speedy Bill Smith with Dave Argabright
By the time you’ve walked this earth for 80 years, you’ve seen (and maybe even learned) a thing or two. Even better (for us) is if you’ve a story to tell and the ability to do that telling.
Leydenfrost, The Baron of Aviation Art

by Hampton and Howard Wayt
Leydenfrost was a Hungarian artist who emigrated to America in the mid-1920s with three equally talented countrymen, Bela Lugosi, Peter Lorre and Paul Lucas. While his friends went on to Hollywood, Leydenfrost stayed in New York illustrating books.
Porsche Showroom Posters: The First 25 Years

by Everett Anton Singer
Historically, Porsche has actively used graphics and visual aids to promote its racing successes along with its charismatic line of road-going sportscars, particularly in its early years
Hot Rods and Custom Cars: Los Angeles and the Dry Lakes, The Early Years

by Ken Gross and Robert Ames
Featuring period photos from the 1940s and ’50s by Strother MacMinn, a fixture in the world of auto design, on his stomping ground.
Phil Hill: Yankee Champion, First American to Win the Driving Championship of the World

by William F Nolan
Originally published in 1962 and out of print long enough to be worth some serious money in the collectable-book marketplace, this is a revised, updated and enhanced edition.