Archive for Items Categorized 'Multilingual / Not English', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
La vie en rouge Ferrari / Life in Ferrari Red

by Christian Martin & Jean-Marc Thévenet
Lots of photos and an assortment of vignettes about Ferrari miscellanea, mostly with a French connection.
Honda: Road to the Red Zone, Sports Story / Voyage en Zone Rouge, l’histoire sportive

by Lionel Lucas
You see Hondas every day; you see books every day. But wait. What you don’t see every day are the Type R versions covered here and you definitely don’t see ambitious, creative, and fun books like this often!
Alfa Romeo Sprint Speciale

by Patrick Dasse
Leave it to this author to keep finding topics that have been neglected in the literature, or, in this case, by history altogether. Hundreds of pages, hundreds of photos, and an odd case of Alfa’s in-house model playing second fiddle to an outside offering.
Motorcycle Passion

by Michael Köckritz, editor
A big, juicy book. Lots of photos. Interesting layouts and typefaces. It’s easy to put this book down and think, Why? As in Why Bother? Not so fast.
Tracks – 6:11:13 – Nürburgring Nordschleife

by Stefan Bogner & Thomas Jäger
You’ve probably heard of the northern loop of this fabled German racetrack but you probably don’t know every one of its 73 corners and everything between them. Here you’ll see it all, in 100-yard increments. Start your engine!
Alfa Romeo SZ Coda Tronca: The Art of Conservation

by Corrado Lopresto, Gautam Sen, Paolo Di Taranto
Important car, important collector, important decisions how/if to preserve or restore it.
Stile Ducati: A Visual History of Ducati Design

Various authors
The book celebrates the 90th anniversary of a firm that has been making bikes for more than half a century. Nineteen are featured here, mostly in detail photos.
Formula 1 Portraits: Gli anni sessanta/The Sixties

by Gianni Cancellierii
Drumroll: photos that have never before been published! And really good photos they are too. What can be said about the 1960s that hasn’t been said before? This author weaves candid shots into his overall exposition of a wild time in racing.
Formula 1 2020/2022 – La tecnica/Technical Insights

by Paolo Filisetti
Chicken/egg: some people say it’s the team’s technical director who ought to be on the podium, not the driver. After all, and certainly in the modern era, even the best driver cannot win with poor tech. This book looks at three seasons of challenges/solutions.
Baillon Collection

by Rémi Dargegen
Looked at one car at a time, the Baillon Collection is interesting enough but it is the unique circumstances of it being found and brought to market that will forever make it the “find of the century.”
Alfa Romeo Prototipi 1948–1962

by Patrick Dasse
You’d think that in war-ravaged Italy those lucky guys who had gainful employment would keep their noses clean and beaver away at their assigned tasks and stretch their limited resources. But working too close to racing oil does funny things to people. Photos you haven’t seen of cars you may not have heard of is what’s in these two books.
Lamborghini, l’alchimie du style et de la performance

by Gautam Sen
Learn French—and save $200! Well, kinda. This is an abridged French version of the magisterial Dalton Watson opus in English. Covers almost all the same things but in less detail and fewer images. Still, a solid book!