Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Shelby Cobra Fifty Years

by Colin Comer
50 years ago, Carroll Shelby contacted British specialist manufacturer AC Cars to build him a car, but with an American V8 engine he was going to supply. This book recaps the history of an American icon.
Custom Motorcycles

by Miquel Tres with Claudia Matheja
A custom motorcycle is a very visible, and often very expensive, way of telling the world you’re different. In a world full of mass-market, cookie-cutter consumer goods anything custom is certainly worth a closer look.
Surviving Fighter Aircraft of World War Two: A Global Guide to Location and Types

by Don Berliner
Some 4000+ of around 750,000 aircraft built for WWII survived—this first of three books offers a guided tour of what they are and where they are.
Form Follows Function: The Art of the Supercar

by Stuart Codling & James Mann
There are stacks of “supercar” and “dream car” books that stitch together superficial words and random photos of sexy cars as an excuse to inflict yet another vapid book upon the world. Not this one.
The Automotive Bibliography

by Denis Veilleux
This book catalogs monographs, theses, biographies, encyclopedias, company and government publications; even buyers’, collectors’, spotters’, and identification guides relating to every aspect of motorization.
Ferrari: 25 Years of Calendar Images

by Günther Raupp
For more than a quarter of a century Ferrari has offered an “official” calendar, and for the whole of that time one single photographer has had the privilege of being The Man. This book uses select images from Raupp’s calendars to illustrate the story of Ferrari cars.
Ferrari: 2012 Official Scuderia Ferrari Calendar

Highlights from Ferrari’s most recent F1 season, captured in images by three of the big names in motorsports photography. There’s really not much more that needs to be said, but there is always a useful bit of background to further enlighten the viewer.
Ferrari Myth 2012: The Official Ferrari Calendar

by Günther Raupp
Imagine standing in front of this cover, in all its 27˝ x 19˝ eyeball-searing grandeur. If you do not feel something stirring inside there’s something wrong with you—and you do not deserve to look at it anymore. Only 5000 of these things exist so move over!
The Space Shuttle: Celebrating Thirty Years of NASA’s First Space Plane

by Piers Bizony
In the summer of 2011 NASA’s only sustained space flight program came to an end after three decades and 135 flights. This book is essentially a lavishly illustrated retrospective of the missions and orbiters.
Porsche by Mailander

by Karl Ludvigsen
Anyone with an interest in photography, and, of course, Porsche 356 race and road cars (especially 550 sports-racing Spyders) will find the many previously unpublished photos in this book irresistible.
2011 Motor Press Guild Awards Announced
The Motor Press Guild announced on 12/14 its 2011 recipients of the Dean Batchelor Award. “Elva” won in the books category.
New McLaren Books from Coterie Press
Coterie Press is offering an expanded third edition of McLaren, The Cars which now goes up to 2012 and includes the 2011 MP4-26 F1 car, as well as the new MP4-12C supercar that will be in the hands of the first lucky customers in 2012. The new book is cheaper ($49.95) than the 2009 edition we reviewed here! A companion […]