Archive for Author 'Helen Hutchings', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Ford Model T: An Enthusiasts Guide, 1908 to 1927 (All Models and Variants)

by Chas Parker
Here the Tin Lizzy is being examined from a British perspective and you’ll gain a fresh appreciation of why it was crowned “most influential car of the 20th century.”
A History of Hudson And Its Nine Most Fabulous Cars

by Mark James
At its peak Hudson was the third largest US car maker and could lay claim to a number of industry firsts. Not least, one of America’s first female auto designers worked here. All systems go. Except, the man at the top lost his way—and the company.
Morgans for a Lifetime: In Prose and Poetry

by Larry Ayers
He’s raced Morgans and restored them, toured and traveled the world in them. Now he salutes and celebrates with prose and poetry the Morgans, in all their flavors, that have given him so much pleasure.
Gearhead At Large

by Steven Rossi
A lifetime’s worth of car knowledge became decades worth of magazine columns that have now been turned into this book.
Where Today Meets Tomorrow, Eero Saarinen and the General Motors Technical Center

by Susan Skarsgard
Completed in 1956 the building was lauded for its architectural and technical accomplishments and became an icon of midcentury design. More importantly, it is still in service.
Power Under Her Foot, Women Enthusiasts of American Muscle Cars

by Chris Lezotte
Pretty young women were featured in ads as passengers or spectators implying these were the lasses the target audience—men—would attract. This book examines how women have moved into the driver’s seat rumbling to work and shows in modern day muscle cars.
A Clearing in the Distance: Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the Nineteenth Century

by Witold Rybczynski
Olmsted was already dead by the time transportation systems became the arteries of modern life but a not entirely unrelated topic, conservation, which is certainly a pressing issue today, found in him an early advocate and activist. You’ve trod in his footsteps and may not even have known it.
Deadly Driver

by J.K. Kelly
As if being an F1 driver isn’t dangerous and difficult enough. How about being a CIA agent too, at the same time? The “endearingly flawed protagonist” of this novel goes places where even Bond, James Bond would be out of his element.
Model T Coast to Coast, Slow Drive Across a Fast Country

by Tom Cotter
Go on an adventure from sea to shining sea, Atlantic to Pacific. Your ride is Something Special. No, really. That’s the name of the car, a 1926 Model T. Your route is the Lincoln Highway with a few side trips. And the entire saga is a wonderful, enjoyable read illustrated with equally fine images shot along the way.
B-17 Gunner

by Craig A. Kleinsmith
Fifty-nine missions, that’s three years, three years of wondering if you’ll make it back. Shot down over Germany and taken prisoner, Eyer managed to keep a secret diary—and stay alive.
Buick’s “Flint Flyers”: Skylark & GRAN SPORT History

by Kenneth W. Kayser
Only a miniscule quantity of the millions of Skylarks and Regals became the special-spec Gran Sport and Grand Nationals, respectively. A GM insider tells their story—and he even owns one of the few surviving original 1966 Gran Sports in “Pilot RPO-L78” spec.
Racing in Daytona Beach, Sunshine, Sand & Speed

by Robert Redd
From land speed records to NASCAR, a lot happed at The Daytona Beach and Road Course before it closed in 1958 and racing moved to the Daytona International Speedway. A local historian tracks the path from hard-packed sand to superspeedway.