Archive for Items Categorized 'Movies', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Battle of Britain The Movie: The Men and Machines of one of the Greatest War Films Ever Made

by Robert J. Rudhall & Dilip Sarkar
You may not have seen the original 1969 movie but outtakes from it found their way into more than a dozen movies between 1971 and 2010. This book explains why and how the movie was made, with special emphasis on the aircraft used.
Keep Watching The Skies, American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties

by Bill Warren
Warren’s book will absolutely answer any question you might have concerning vintage Sci-Fi cinema, along with many, many things you would not even think to ask. That this book is inclusive is the understatement of the past, the present—and the FUTURE!
Behind Le Mans – The Film In Photographs

by Michael Keyser
It’s almost 50 years ago that this movie was made. It was not a box office hit but—and this is the only thing that mattered to the one person who needed to make it, Steve McQueen—it was true to racing, life and death, few words and big deeds.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, A Novel

by Quentin Tarantino
You saw the movie! Now read the book! Filmmaker Quentin Taratino, of Pulp Fiction fame, scores another hit. Rated R for language, alcohol use, and sexual content!
The Goldfinger Files

by Steffen Appel and Peter Wälty
The first Bond film to win an Oscar, Goldfinger was a financial success, recouping its budget in two weeks. It has become iconic for many reasons, not least the famous car chase in the mountains that is the subject of this lovely book.
Our Le Mans, The Movie – The Friendship – The Facts

by Hans Hamer, editor
That movie destroyed friendships and budgets and schedules. It probably didn’t help anyone’s career. And there’s also a less talked-about side to it, recorded just in time before its author died.
The Aircraft-Spotter’s Film and Television Companion

by Simon D. Beck
An indispensable companion when you watch a movie and wonder “What was that??” The book tells you that, and more: who flew it, who built it, where is it, was it real?
Steve McQueen: Le Mans in the Rearview Mirror

by Donald Nunley
A prop master on a movie sees a lot. This book is written by one, and he sure did see a lot. It seems it took him years to get over it. If you can’t decide whether you love or hate the movie, this book will at least explain why it all went so very wrong.
3-D Movies

by R.M. Hayes
The “hyperhaptic visuality” in Avatar in 2009 may have created a lot of hoopla—only to then fizz out again—but the 3D film process was already over a hundred years old by then! From specific movies to how they’re made and on what equipment, this book by an industry insider is a good overview.
Space Odyssey

by Michael Benson
The movie is still fantastic. It has aged very, very well. Michael Benson tells the story of its conception, gestation and birth. He did his job so well that our reviewer was too involved and engrossed to actually write a proper review, but, please, check out his attempt . . .
Gone With The Wind on Film

by Cynthia Marylee Molt
It was the highest-earning film for a quarter century. It set records for the total number of Oscar nominations and wins at the time. You’ve seen it, probably more than once. Before you watch it again, read this book!
Psycho, The Birds and Halloween

by Randy Rasmussen
Three classic horror films. Rasmussen’s prose takes us scene by scene into their terrors and madness. A diverting book. Light your candle on your great-grandmother’s skull, swipe away the cobwebs and, dear Speedreaders readers, read all about it.