The Michelin Man, 100 Years of Bibendum

by Olivier Darmon
One of the world’s oldest trademarks still in active use, Bib has been around for longer than there have been cars. His custodians over the decades embraced change to their mascot, just as the times around him changed, and that’s what this book shows.
The Cartier Tank Watch

by Franco Cologni
Is it the Porsche 911 of wristwatches? Todays’ model looks recognizably like the very first one from over a hundred years ago yet each iteration pushes design and technology forward and so remains as relevant as ever.
NASCAR 75 Years

by Pearce, Hembree, Crandall, Creed
No matter what you think about the racing action, as an organization and business NASCAR is an uncommon success with staying power. What started as 40 races in the first season has grown to over 1,500 sanctioned events in multiple countries.
Racing the Silver Arrows

by Chris Nixon
Two German teams dominated Grand Prix racing because of their technical superiority made possible by enormous government investment into the racing programs but also the companies overall because of their military value.
Forty Six: The Birth of Porsche Motorsport

by Bill Wagenblatt (Editor)
Right in time for the 100th anniversary of the race at which this car won its class as Porsche’s first postwar works entry this book tells its colorful story in forensic detail. How the provenance of the car was proven is amazing, and it raises the bar for “doing right” by historically important vehicles.
Corvette; Legend or Myth & Zora’s Marque of Excellence

by Kenneth W. Kayser
The Corvette program began in the 1950s and you’d think by now every morsel of data has been turned over multiple times and the canon is rock solid. Well, this deep dive by a retired GM engineer offers new wrinkles—and he shows the internal docs to prove it.
Bugatti: The Italian Decade

by Gautam Sen
An Italian Bugatti? No matter its inglorious end it was a fine, capable car quite unlike anything else. Big names were involved. Big money was spent—on building it and on buying it.
Superbears—The Story of Hesketh Racing

by James Page
Need something to do on the weekends? Got a pile of money? Why, let’s start a racing team! It’s 1972. Their caterer had better credentials than their—unemployed—driver. The opposition laughed, but not for long.
The Spirit of the Age

by Davide Bassoli
Hardly the sexiest Rolls-Royces and Bentleys ever but for their buyers they were the only game in town at that segment of the market. Over their 20-year production run many modifications were made, not least the first-ever disappearing mascot.
Chrysler 300: America’s Most Powerful Car

by Robert Ackerson
The “banker’s hot rod” was not an ordinary car. The 300 has a deservedly proud history, which is why Chrysler keeps bringing the nameplate back. To learn how it all started check out this book.
Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo, Porsche 1952–1982

by Patrick Dasse & Maurice Louche
More photo album than rally analysis, these books will suck you in! Cars, people, interesting locations—and buckets o’ snow. Obviously all seen through Porsche-colored glasses.
Zany Afternoons

by Bruce McCall
In a former life, McCall was a principal in McCaffery & McCall, the huge New York advertising agency that served Mercedes-Benz USA. On the side, he wrote less serious stories for Car & Driver (remember the Denbeigh Super Chauvinist?), Playboy, and The National Lampoon.