Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Jacqueline Cochran: Biography of a Pioneer Aviator

by Rhonda Smith-Daugherty
Beautiful and testy, Cochran held more aviation records for speed, altitude and distance than anyone. Despite worldwide fame in her day and being a relentless self-promoter, her name today is overshadowed by another’s.
Experimental & Prototype U.S. Air Force Jet Fighters

by Dennis R. Jenkins & Tony R. Landis
From 500 mph at the end of WW II to exceeding the sound barrier only two years later. Someone was busy . . . and technology advanced rapidly. 50-odd examples of the jet age are shown here.
Gold Medal for SpeedReaders
July 18, 2012. We are pleased to announce that in our first year of submitting the website for consideration, a jury of our peers has awarded SpeedReaders a Gold medal at the 21st International Automotive Media Conference. For those not familiar with it, the IAMC “is a program to recognize and encourage excellence in all […]
Making Cars at Crewe

by Peter Ollerhead
Crewe was the home of Rolls-Royce until they moved to Goodwood. This book looks at how they are built and who does it.
Building the P-51 Mustang

by Michael O’Leary
So, how did they do it? Build the legendary Mustang, that is. This book lets you look over their shoulders and tells you at the same time a lot about the aircraft itself.
My 1001 Cars, The Reference Edition

by Gabriel Voisin
This French pioneer aviator and airplane/car maker colored outside the lines and rose to be a captain of industry, rubbing shoulders with tycoons and beautiful women—and died in poverty and obscurity.
X-Plane Crashes

by Peter W. Merlin and Tony Moore
This book is less about experimental planes than the process of and reasons behind looking for their crash sites. You too could find yourself a cool bookend in the desert—if you knew what you’re doing.
The Flying Firsts of Walter Hinton

by Benjamin J. Burns
Quick: who was the first to cross the Atlantic by plane? If you said Lindbergh, or Earhart, you’d better read this book!
Frank Lockhart, American Speed King

by Sarah Morgan-Wu, James O’Keefe
Had he lived longer, who knows what heights he might have reached. His racing career lasted only five short years but showed such promise that the authors re-affirm Lockhart as “the greatest racing driver of his day.”
Douglas C-124 Globemaster II

by Earl Berlin
Meet Old Shaky, the primary heavy-lift military transport aircraft during the 1950s and ‘60s. Not sexy but very, very useful.
Inside the Paddock: Racing Car Transporters at Work

by David Cross with Bjørn Kjer
Racecars don’t make good road cars. And if you think about it, except for when it actually races, a racecar is just a bunch of loose parts waiting to be put together. How does all this get from race to race? Wonder no more.
The Seaplane Years

by Tim Mason
Ever skipped a stone across water? Ever noticed the “suction” effect when lifting a flat-bottomed object out of water? Float and seaplanes have to overcome these and other problems, and this book explains how they were tested.