Archive for Author 'Charly Baumann', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
The Fall of the Packard Motor Car Company

by James A. Ward
Packard made a better attempt than its peers at surviving the damage done by the Depression of the 1930s, but still it was for naught. Transportation historian Ward examines the reasons.
Last of the Flying Clippers: The Boeing B-314 Story

by M.D. Klaäs
For the few years these magnificent flying boats operated they raised the bar—and putting the “air” into transatlantic airmail is only of the things Pan Am’s famous B-314 clippers were the first to accomplish.
Big Wings: The Largest Aeroplanes Ever Built

by Philip Kaplan
Splendidly illustrated with not only aircraft “stuff,” this book takes a sometimes nostalgic and always sympathetic look at two dozen big birds.
The Curtiss Hydroaeroplane: The U.S. Navy’s First Airplane 1911–1916

by Bob Woodling and Taras Chayka
The story of the first truly successful seaplane is here told against the backdrop of the all-important human factor: how people find each other, work together, and make the sum greater than its parts.
The Singer Story: The Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Bicycles & Motorcycles

by Kevin Atkinson
Everyone knows that Bugattis used distinctive flat-spoke aluminum wheels. So did Singer—but 20 years earlier. The curved front forks of a bicycle are a George Singer patent, and still in use today. If you don’t know Singer, you should.
The Volkswagen Golf Story

by Russell Hayes
It runs and runs and runs—that was the ad for the Beetle, but it applies much, much more to the Golf. This book, now in an updated second edition that includes Gen 7 and 8, explains why the car deserves r-e-s-p-e-c-t.
The Blue Max Airmen: Manfred von Richthofen

by Lance J. Bronnenkant
Von Richthofen . . . that old chestnut. But wait—this is one of the few books worth having! A bit short, a bit flimsy, but sehr gut.
Ghia: Masterpieces of Style

by Luciano Greggio
Founded in 1916 this Italian coachbuilder is still around—how’d they do that? By capturing eyeballs in the American market and, ultimately, by becoming part of the Ford empire.
Audi RS, History • Models • Technology

by Constantin Bergander
Positioned as Audi’s top-tier offering, the RS models pioneer some of the most advanced technology, and you certainly pay a premium for such a halo car. This book will give you everything worth knowing before looking for one.
Locomotive Portraits

by Jonathan Clay
For the first time in book form one of the UK’s best-known Transport Artists is showing his work, as well as explaining his method, to a wider audience.
Great French Passenger Ships

by William H. Miller
From the grand ships of the storied lines to mail boats bound for Africa this little book offers a good, basic, nicely illustrated introduction to the topic.
New York City Horsepower: An Oral History of Fast Custom Machines

by Michael McCabe
What makes a New York custom bike or car different from those made anywhere else? Or modern ones different from earlier ones? Meet several generations of builders and see their shops and their creations.