Archive for Items Categorized 'Art, Artists and Design', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Hot Rod Magazine: All the Covers

by Drew Hardin

Since its founding in 1948, Hot Rod Magazine has as much reflected as shaped the hot rod movement in the US. It even preceded what today are the mainstream, middle-of-the-road consumer car magazines; in fact, its success spawned theirs.

China Clipper: Pan American Airways and Popular Culture

by Larry Weirather

People unfamiliar with the majestic Clippers may find the title contrived—flying boats and culture? The author likens their cultural impact to that of the moon landing. There really is not anything analogous nowadays so readers will have to allow the book to take them to a point they may well find odd at the beginning.

When Art Kept ’Em Flying

A Celebration of American Aviation Artists and their Contribution in World War Two

by Georges Grod

No matter in what culture and what era, and for better or worse, children are impressionable. The author had the misfortune of growing up in war-torn occupied France, old enough to know what was happening but young enough to experience it “as if watching an exciting film.”

Go Faster: The Graphic Design of Racing Cars

by Sven Voelker

If you are a motorsports enthusiast you already know that there must be hundreds, thousands of race cars that could be discussed. If you bought this book sight unseen on the strength of its title, you’d probably expect a visual primer on the evolution, purpose, and practical application of the use of graphics on racecars. Well . . .

Inside the Archives

by Jesse Alexander

It is surprising is that the images Alexander now selected for this book he once thought deficient in some way, lacking whatever indefinable essence the artiste was looking for.

Art of the Formula 1 Race Car

by Stuart Codling (Author) & James Mann (Photographer)

Racecars have a purpose and that purpose is speed not beauty. But beautyis not the subject of this book, art is. Bandying these terms about sounds almost flippant but there are serious distinctions and they merit deep thought.

Box Top Air Power: The Aviation Art of Model Airplane Boxes

by Thomas Graham

This book presents about 170 examples of [a] “exemplary works” (in other words not everything under the sun) that [b] the author deems “artistically superior” (read: other people may have made other choices) of [c] predominantly US model kit makers (for European/Japanese kits look elsewhere).

Celebration of Flight, The Aviation Art of Roy Cross

by Roy Cross with Arthur Ward

Since retiring from his freelance job as chief box-top designer for Airfix plastic kits, British artist/illustrator and writer Roy Cross has made a big splash, especially in the US, as a marine artist whose fine-art oils easily command $50,000 nowadays.

Maserati 5000 GT: A Significant Automobile

by Maurice Khawam

Unlike the voluminous literature on Maserati’s racing cars, the firm’s touring cars are most often relegated to a mere chapter in the multi-model marque histories. Author Khawam makes the case that the 5000 GT is such a significant car in terms of engineering and design that it deserves a stand-alone book.

Porsche Rennsport: The Definitive Photographic Record of the Racing Sports Cars of Porsche 1949–2004

by Jeffrey R Zwart

This is one of those books that will make you break out in a sweat—hot, cold, who cares—but you absolutely must have dry hands to handle this book so as to avoid getting sticky fingerprints all over the glossy pages.

Ferrari by Mailander

by Karl Ludvigsen

This seemingly cost-no-object book is betting that its target audience is astute enough to appreciate great photography, outstanding layout, superb photo selection and willing enough to chuck out $125 for the privilege of ownership.

Three to Go Mario!

by Andy Evans

In this book Andy recalls a memory from his youth. He was 12 when his father took him to watch Mario Andretti compete in the 1977 Grand Prix that was run over the course laid out on the streets of Long Beach, California.