Archive for Items Categorized 'Technology', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Classic British Car Electrical Systems

by Rick Astley

Utter the word LUCAS and grown men will quake in their boots. Astley explains the reasons for Lucas’ market dominance and their relationship to Smiths, Rists, and Autolite—and that Lucas built to a price point: you get what you pay for! So there.

Zoom, The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future

by I Carson and V Vaitheeswaran

It is pretty clear that something has to change. The system of transportation that we have developed over the past 100 years—the one that is dependent of infinite amounts of cheap energy and two or even three new cars in every garage must come to an end in the not too distant future.

Equations of Motion: Adventure, Risk and Innovation

by William F Milliken

You’ve heard the saying about someone having “forgotten more than the rest of us will ever know.” This certainly applies to Bill Milliken, except that he hasn’t forgotten anything! He was 95 years old when he published the first version of this autobiography, the hardcover edition.

Equations of Motion: Adventure, Risk and Innovation

by William F Milliken

When the first edition of Equations of Motion was released in 2006, I wrote in a published review that it was unequivocally “the most interesting and well-written of the 50-some-odd books that I’d read during all of that year.” Now, with the publication of the 2nd edition, this time in softcover, you get more for less.

The Miller Dynasty

by Mark L Dees

Inspired by Griffith Borgeson’s work, fellow Californian Mark Dees began to seriously accumulate Miller lore, interviewing those still living who had known or worked with Miller, along with survivors from the prewar racing world.

The Industrial Revolutionaries: The Making of the Modern World, 1776–1914

by Gavin Weightman

This book is akin to reading, as opposed to watching, the out-takes that so often accompany re-releases of popular movies on dvd. The out-takes that fill the pages of this book, however, are from behind-the-scenes of the major, most important and influential inventions of all time.

Pioneers, Engineers, and Scoundrels: The Dawn of the Automobile in America

by Beverly Rae Kimes

SAE observed its 100th birthday in 2005 and published this book about the very beginnings of the auto industry—authored by a very special person with an impeccable reputation for careful research and equal care with the writing.