An Austin Anthology: Volumes I, II, III
by James Stringer
Austins flew, floated and farmed, powered two- and four-wheelers, ran on rails, worked as taxicabs and went on very long trips.
Ferrari 1960–1965: The Hallowed Years
by William Huon
A great book made greater by Bernard Cahier photos throughout, remarkably well printed. It is hard not to look at the candid photos of so many drivers and not have a sense of gloom—these were tragic years in regards to safety.
Thousand Mile Trial 1900
by Elizabeth Bennett
Imagine a time when the car was new, few people had seen let alone experienced one, and even the talking heads did not seriously expect it “to take.” What the world needed was proof of the motorcar’s effectiveness and resilience: 1000 miles through England and Scotland outta do it.
The Master Driver of the World, The 1914 Cactus Derby
by Mark G. Dill
Only five of twenty starters finished this last running of the Los Angeles—Phoenix race and were lauded as “Motormen of Speed,” with the winner crowned “Master Driver of the World.” That was Barney Oldfield, he of the wild antics and colorful reputation.
Alfa Romeo Prototipi 1948–1962
by Patrick Dasse
You’d think that in war-ravaged Italy those lucky guys who had gainful employment would keep their noses clean and beaver away at their assigned tasks and stretch their limited resources. But working too close to racing oil does funny things to people. Photos you haven’t seen of cars you may not have heard of is what’s in these two books.
Joseph Figoni: Le Grand Couturier de la Carrosserie Française
Vol. 1: Alfa-Romeo
by Larsen and Erickson
If coachbuilder Figoni is on your radar, you’re in luck because this is the first volume in a series that will cover the five main marques and most minors in about a dozen books. They will break your bookcase and your bank account. But what fun you’ll have!
Fundamental Carburetion, From the Gas Tank to the Combustion Chamber
by Dean G. Tryon
EVs may be the future, and fuel injection has been around for decades—but carbs have not gone away! Air and fuel need to come together just so, and a multitude of factors influence the outcome.
Lamborghini, l’alchimie du style et de la performance
by Gautam Sen
Learn French—and save $200! Well, kinda. This is an abridged French version of the magisterial Dalton Watson opus in English. Covers almost all the same things but in less detail and fewer images. Still, a solid book!
Dornier Do 335 Pfeil/Arrow
by J. Richard Smith and Eddie J. Creek
Fast the Arrow was but it never flew in combat. It made its greatest contribution to aviation during post-WWII testing by the Allies, aided by the German experts who had originally built it. From origins to “what if” studies, this book has it.
Tales from the Garage
by Rodney Kemerer
Thirty magazine columns now in book form. Musings about a little bit of everything and especially about cars—even toy cars—and their people.
Alwin Springer – Racing With Porsche in North America
by Alwin Springer with Wilfried Müller
From his days as journeyman mechanic to cofounding a legendary Porsche tuning company to working for Porsche directly, Springer has led Porsche to many of its most significant milestones in North America. He may be retired but he’s not done!
Vintage Speed Parts: The Equipment that Fueled the Industry
by Tony Thacker
Dreaming about hot rods in far-away Britain in the 1960s the author couldn’t have imagined moving to California to become involved in many aspects of the speed world, from selling parts to setting speed records to running a museum—to writing piles of books.