Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Drawn to Speed: The Automotive Art of John Lander

by John Lander
A hundred little ink drawings to while away the time, perchance to dream.
The Spitfire: An Icon of the Skies

by Philip Kaplan
There’s a ton of Spitfire books. This one adds something. People who flew or otherwise know the Spit inside out tell you what makes this airplane different, and, well, better.
Fiat 500, The Design Book

You know it when you see it—which is the whole point of heritage cars like Mini, Bettle, and Fiat 500. How do the designers and brand managers—and even the engineers—go about extracting the DNA of a past success? This book shows it.
The Avro Manchester: The Legend Behind the Lancaster

by Robert Kirby
If it weren’t for the subtitle many readers would probably not even know into what period to place this all but forgotten aircraft. Developed during times in which neither the technology nor the mission was entirely clear it lived a short and difficult life—but it was not for naught.
Pensive Racing Drivers

by Max Küng
The quiet moments, before a race when the mind settles in on the task at hand, or after, when the last hand has been played. Even the victor lugging his magnum of champagne looks oddly spent. These are the moments captured here.
The Hawke History of MMM Competition Cars

by Karl-Joachim Wiessmann (editor)
MG midgets may not seem impressive but the racing versions were very successful and driven by anybody who was anybody. This book isn’t a historical narrative but presents the hard data behind the story.
Porsche – The Racing 914s

by Roy Smith
Unless you are a racer, you may have never given the boxy 914 a second look. The victim of development shortcuts and marketing tussles, the car that is now beginning to be called “great” was born under a cloud.
Military Aviation Disasters: Significant Losses Since 1908

by David B.Gero
Whereas the Geneva-based Aircraft Crashes Record Office compiles and makes public statistics on aviation accidents of aircraft capable of carrying more than six passengers (excluding helicopters, balloons, and fighter airplanes), the military keeps its cards closer to the vest.
Testbeds, Motherships & Parasites

by Frederick A. Johnsen
Written by a USAF historian this book showcases the flying laboratories that test the seemingly obvious and the utterly obscure bits without which safe aviating would be anything but.
Fighting the Great War at Sea: Strategy, Tactics and Technology

by Norman Friedman
A highly analytical examination of an aspect of WW I that gets overlooked a lot: naval activities. In a way, trade, and therefore the sea, was both a root cause and then an ongoing strategic goal in the war.

by Mäder, Konradsheim, Gruber
This Porsche is certainly having a moment these days, both in terms of collector car prices and literature. A book like this makes you want to be a 911 owner, just to have a legitimate reason for owning it
Bentley R Type

by Bernard L. King
A complete listing of every car built of this model, complete with technical specs, basic history, and photos. Lots of photos. Hundreds of photos. If you’re in the market for an R Type or have one already, this book is required reading. There will be a test.