Archive for Items Categorized 'Automobiles', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Fine Bodies, Coachbuilt in Britain

by Rod Ward
A tiny book about a big subject. Easy to slip into the coat pocket on the way to the next concours but good for not much else.
Batmobile: The Complete History

by Mark Cotta Vaz
Meet the caped crusader and his primary toy, the Batmobile. From its comic book origins to today’s Hollywood blockbuster all the various models are examined.
The Roycean: From Manchester to Crewe, via Derby – Vol. 3

The Roycean, now in its third year, is an annual journal containing scholarly articles by a number of contributors on arcane but fascinating aspects of the history of Rolls-Royce and (Derby- and Crewe-built) Bentley motorcars up to the 1960s.
Engines of Change: A History of the American Dream in Fifteen Cars

by Paul Ingrassia
Not so much a “car book” as a cultural history of a vastly large and diverse country, this commentary / examination / indictment raises as many questions as it answers. Mission accomplished.
The Illustrated Buyer’s Guide to DeLorean Automobiles

by James V. Espey
This gullwinged wonder built in Ireland for, mainly, the US market by an iconic GM engineer had everything going for it, and then it all fell apart. This book can save your buying experience from falling apart!
Grand Delusions, The Cosmic Career of John DeLorean

by Hillel Levin
Strange car, strange man, strange story—nothing is simple, and it takes an investigative reporter to tell the tale just so.
The History of Windovers 1600–1955

by Jane Windover
From making saddles to bodying Rolls-Royces, Windovers has a 350-year-long history of coachbuilding. A descendant of the family tells their story.
Morgan Winner at Le Mans 1962, The Story of TOK258

by Ronnie Price and Richard Shepherd-Barron
The story of the little Morgan that could. This Anniversary Edition adds a chapter by the man who took this now-famous car—which still races today—across the finish line in 1962.
Montlhéry, The Story of the Paris Autodrome

by William Boddy
The only English-language history of a very important historic racetrack, written by a very important motorsports writer.
Speed: The Art of the Performance Automobile

by Ken Gross, photography by Peter Harholdt
Nineteen cars distinguished by their performance, design, and artistic quality and pedigree were gathered for a museum show. This book not only captures that event but shows things you wouldn’t have seen even if you went to the show.
Classic Formula 1 Calendar 2013

by Paul-Henri Cahier
Starting this 2013 wall calendar with December 2012 gives you a good reason to get a head start! It features photos by the famous Cahiers.
Cord 810/812, The Timeless Classic

by Josh B Malks
Malks’ attention to detail and style of writing certainly makes it easy to sing the praises of his book. He is a former president of the A-C-D club and the tech editor of their magazine.