Shirley Shahan, The Drag-on Lady 

by Patrick Foster

Blame it on Dad. He let her help wrench on his drag racer. He let her borrow his pickup truck to go cruising—and she would beat the boys in the inevitable street races. She married a racer. And without really intending to, became one herself.

North Eastern Motorsport: A Century of Memories

by Larry Carter

The North East of England has spawned many great racers over the years. Some of them, as well as the venues they raced at are already long forgotten so this book puts a necessary marker on the map. (Too bad there’s not an actual map, for the enlightenment of poor colonials.)

Schneider Trophy Seaplanes and Flying Boats

by Ralph Pegram

Over a hundred different aircraft are covered here, along with a thorough look at the reasons for air racing, as well as technical developments and the historical/political picture.

Zenith Trans-Oceanic, The Royalty of Radios

by John Bryant and Harold Cones

Among vintage radio aficionados Zenith’s Trans-Oceanic models are both legendary and often a radio collector’s most prized possession.

The Volkswagen Golf Story

by Russell Hayes

It runs and runs and runs—that was the ad for the Beetle, but it applies much, much more to the Golf. This book, now in an updated second edition that includes Gen 7 and 8, explains why the car deserves r-e-s-p-e-c-t.

Aviation Records in the Jet Age

by William A. Flanagan

A nicely curated and well written overview—more than a highlight reel but not an encyclopedia. You really will be amazed by how far we’ve come in a relatively short time.

Mercedes-Benz – The Grand Cabrios & Coupés

by René Staud (photos), Jürgen Lewandowski (text)

Who needs coupés and cabrios is what this book asks. Unless the answer is self-evident in these photos you’ll have to come up with your own.

Isorivolta: The Men, the Machines

by Winston Scott Goodfellow

Curious minds want to know: why was a firm that produced competent and desirable cars not strong enough to survive? and if they were competent and desirable why did the cars fade from memory within a few short years? The author was one such curious mind and his answers are presented here..

The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today

by Thomas Ricks

Many factors affect national security. Among the less obvious, at least to civilians, is the culture of the military itself.

VANWALL, The Story of Britain’s first Formula 1 World Champions

by Jenkinson & Posthumus, with D. Nye

Ever noticed the MAHLE logo on a modern race car? British industrialist Tony Vandervell’s old company became part of that group in 2007. He got many things right, including his F1 team.

Lamborghini: At the Cutting Edge of Design

by Sen, Radovinovic, Byberg

Chicken/egg. Performance/design. The question is not which came first or which matters more—they are part of a package. Think of Lamborghini what you will, but these books prove there is purpose and depth to their outrageous package.

The Blue Max Airmen: Manfred von Richthofen

by Lance J. Bronnenkant

Von Richthofen . . . that old chestnut. But wait—this is one of the few books worth having! A bit short, a bit flimsy, but sehr gut.