Archive for Items Categorized 'Automobiles', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Ferdinand Porsche, Genesis of Genius: Road, Racing and Aviation Innovation 1900 to 1933

by Karl Ludvigsen
For a paltry $100 you are getting a veritable education in matters political, economical, scientific, and psychological. It isn’t just about a precocious youth and ambitious engineer, but about the world and times he lived in.
Classic Car Auction 2008–2009 Yearbook

by Adolfo Orsi and Raffaele Gazzi
If you follow car auctions at all you will know the Classic Car Auctions Bolaffi Calalogue produced by the same authors in 12 editions between 1995 and 2008.
Ferrari by Mailander

by Karl Ludvigsen
This seemingly cost-no-object book is betting that its target audience is astute enough to appreciate great photography, outstanding layout, superb photo selection and willing enough to chuck out $125 for the privilege of ownership.
Three to Go Mario!

by Andy Evans
In this book Andy recalls a memory from his youth. He was 12 when his father took him to watch Mario Andretti compete in the 1977 Grand Prix that was run over the course laid out on the streets of Long Beach, California.
The Sociology of Elite Distinction: From Theoretical to Comparative Perspectives

by Jean-Pascal Daloz
You drive a $150,000+ car? You are—in sociological and marketing terms—a member of an elite. Deal with it. You may not care, but the people who want to sell you stuff do.
Coast to Coast

by Curt McConnell
Historian/journalist McConnell feels that just like Lewis and Clark who blazed the trail from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean and are revered for it to this day, so the autoists of the Pioneer Period deserve tribute.
The Red Car

by Don Stanford
The red car is a wrecked 1948 MG TC roadster that Stanford’s main character, sixteen year-old Happy “Hap” Adams, is seeing for the first time and wants to bring back to life.
Time and Two Seats

by János Wimpffen
This 2,300 page opus is the definitive history of more than fifty years of Long Distance Racing. Organized in two volumes, the work is an era-by-era, year-by-year, race-by-race narrative of sports car and grand touring races between 1953 and 1998.
Mercedes-Benz E-Class Owner’s Bible 1986–1995

by Stu Ritter
The early 1980s were a tough time for automakers. It was into this largely dismal automotive landscape that Mercedes-Benz introduced the 300E to the US market in 1986.
Garage Envy – Eight books about garages
What do Popsicles® and garage books have in common? Both come in a myriad of “flavors” and just as your sweet tooth may favor orange over cherry or maybe likes grape the best, so might one type of garage book be more enticing to you than another. For instance, let’s say you want to be […]
The Crooked Mile

by Kevin Clemens
Have you ever worried that one day the fossil-fuel spigot will run dry? Or that motor fuel will become so expensive that you will need to drastically change your lifestyle in order to provide life’s basic necessities for yourself and your family?
Buick, The Australian Story

by Eric North and John Gerdtz
The story of the auto industry in Australia, especially the Holden aspect, is interesting all on its own. As with many American makers, Holden too dates back to saddlery and carriage-building beginnings with the company bearing a man’s surname.