Archive for Items Categorized 'Award Winner', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
The Cobra-Ferrari Wars 1963–1965

by Michael L Shoen
First published twenty-five years after the “war”, Michael Shoen’s account, is still considered the definitive work on what is one of America’s greatest motorsports accomplishments of the sixties.
A Century of Automotive Style, 100 Years of American Car Design

by Michael Lamm & Dave Holls
When first released in 1996 the book garnered raves from everywhere and everyone. The automotive media heaped on still more praise—and now it is released as a searchable DVD.

by Henry Cornelius
This film, made in 1953, has old cars, romance, comedy, gentle action, along with sex appeal and charm enough to drain away the day’s tensions—it almost guarantees you’ll be in a good mood after seeing it!
A Gullwing at Twilight, Shifting Gears Gracefully

The Bonneville Ride of John Fitch
by Chris Szwedo
Fitch is today a living testimony to the fact that attaining a “certain age” need have no relationship to being useful or productive. One must only remain fully engaged in life and living and, of course, be blessed with the gift of good health. As proof, take a look at this DVD, gloriously filmed by Chris Szwedo,
The Miller Dynasty

by Mark L Dees
Inspired by Griffith Borgeson’s work, fellow Californian Mark Dees began to seriously accumulate Miller lore, interviewing those still living who had known or worked with Miller, along with survivors from the prewar racing world.
Pioneers, Engineers, and Scoundrels: The Dawn of the Automobile in America

by Beverly Rae Kimes
SAE observed its 100th birthday in 2005 and published this book about the very beginnings of the auto industry—authored by a very special person with an impeccable reputation for careful research and equal care with the writing.
Mercedes-Benz C 111

The Definitive History of the Mysterious Supercar That Never Was
by Heidbrink & Hack
It’s not so much the car that is mysterious as the circumstances that kept if from becoming the hit for which scores of 1969 auto show visitors wrote blank checks. M-B owns all the cars it ever made, and this is the one book that covers them.