Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Schneidige deutsche Mädel: Fliegerinnen zwischen 1918 und 1945

by Evelyn Zegenhagen

For women, even the sky has a “glass ceiling.” This book juxtaposes female German pilots’ desire to fly with the political and economic realities of the interwar years during which airmindedness and aviation blossomed.

Forward: The First American Unsupported Expedition to the North Pole

by John Huston and Tyler Fish

Forward, ever forward. This journey across the ice is also a journey into the characters of the two seasoned adventurers who test the limits of their physical endurance, willpower, and friendship.

The Adventurous Motorcyclist’s Guide to Alaska

by Lee Klancher

The only guidebook you’ll ever need. Really. Written specifically with the needs of the motorcyclist in mind, this book is useful to any traveler, even the armchair variety.

Can-Am Calendar 2013

by Pete Lyons

Twelve months in a year—24 historic photos in this limited-edition calendar of the wild, wild cars of the 1966–1974 Canadian-American Challenge Cup series

Jaguar XJR7

by Ted West, photos by P. Harholdt

Racing improves the breed, so it is said. The Jaguar XJRs five-year run may not have made the accursed road cars any better but they certainly had enough of a halo effect to stabilize the brand’s slipping fortunes.

The World of Vanity Fair

by Paul R. Spiring

You could study reams of dry textbooks about the Victorians, or meet them here, up close and personal in colorful caricatures and amusing and instructive text.

Alfa Romeo: A Century of Innovation

by Christian Schön

To be building cars for 100 years means Alfa must be doing something right. This book looks at the cars and the people that made it so.

The Handley Page Victor: The History and Development of a Classic Jet, Vol. 2

by Roger R. Brooks

After a last hurrah in the Falklands and then the first Gulf War, Victors were mustered out in 1993, after a long 30 years of service but with a relatively low 6500 flight hours. Specs and data here tell the story.

100 Years of the British Automobile Racing Club

by Gareth Rogers

From formula cars to trucks, pretty much anything with wheels has been raced under BARC auspices and on BARC tracks, and not just in the UK. This book goes on a colorful whirlwind tour of all things BARC.

Soviet and Russian Testbed Aircraft

by Yefim Gordon & Dmitriy Komissarov

From military and civilian aircraft to rocket components and technologies, this book presents key types and programs since the 1930s along with information on the flight test centers.

The Derby Built Bentleys

by Bernard L. King

2518 of these sturdy, popular models were produced; 1777 are known to survive. This book covers all of them!

Cunningham C-4RK

by P. Bodensteiner, photos by P. Harholdt

An American car campaigned by an American team with American drivers, showing the Europeans what’s what. It would come to pass, but not with this car.