Search Result for 'indy', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Indy Split: The Big Money Battle that Nearly Destroyed Indy Racing

by John Oreovicz

Big-time open-wheel racing in America is big business. And money is, as they say, the root of all evil. Followed by ego. If you can talk about CART, USAC, CRL, and IRL in the same sentence you know what this book will be about. It’s a bruising read—but there’s a happy end.

500 On (The Indy) 500 

by Rick Shaffer

A neat little book to pick up every now and then, both to start and to win arguments! Looks at the entire Indy history up to 2020.

Second to One: All But For Indy

by Gordon Kirby & Joseph Freeman

Winning the Indy 500 makes you a household name. Well, in some households. For a while. The ones who don’t win, no matter how long the list of their accomplishments here or elsewhere, get no love. Here’s their story.

The Indy Car Wars

by Sigur E. Whitaker

As motorsports go, Indy racing draws the most eyeballs in the US but the sport’s troubled history remains a polarizing topic. This book takes a stab at unraveling the complicated and often unsavory backstory.

Black Noon: The Year They Stopped the Indy 500

by Art Garner

It looked as if the entire grandstand was on fire. A.J. Foyt likened it to an atomic bomb going off. Chaos, chaos everywhere. A lot has been written about that day but this is the one book that the folks who were there say you ought to read.

INDY: Racing Before the 500

by D. Bruce Scott

So you’re an Indy fan, are you? Bet this book contains a lot you don’t know about those poorly documented early days.

Izod IndyCar Series 2013 Historical Record Book

by Tim Sullivan

Seems like an eminently useful book. Hard data as provided by the official record keeper. You’ll think this is a book you ought to have. Well . . . read the review first!

Izod IndyCar Series 2012 Historical Record Book

by Steve Shunck and Tim Sullivan

Indy cars have a long, and therefore convoluted, history. A book that finally gathers all the records and untangles the history seems a fine thing—except that it is plagued with sins of omission and commission.

Blood and Smoke: A True Tale of Mystery, Mayhem, and the Birth of the Indy 500

by Charles Leerhsen

As that first race at Indianapolis in 1911 unfolded, the scoring became ever more confused. A winner was declared—and awarded a tidy purse. But was he the winner?

Street Fight: The Chicago Taxi Wars of the 1920s

by Anne Morrissy

You’ll never look at a taxi cab the same. Next time you hail one, just be glad that no one is likely to shoot at you because of it. A hundred years ago . . . different story, at least in Chicago.

As a Matter of Fact, I Am Parnelli Jones

by Parnelli Jones with Bones Bourcier

Told by the protagonist as much as by his peers this memoir paints a rich picture of the people, cars, and venues in American racing of the 1960s and ‘70s in a sometimes feisty and always engaging manner.

The Legend of the First Super Speedway

by Mark G. Dill

Two companion books about the same thing, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway—one for adult and one for YA readers. Gather ‘round for family time!