Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Berlin Airlift: Air Bridge to Freedom

by Bruce McAllister

So you survived six years of war, three years of occupation. You’re rebuilding your city, your life. And then one day the electricity is off, the gas burner doesn’t light, you’re under siege, and when the food runs out. . . . Enter, the biggest airlift the world had seen.

The Smart Roadster – An Autobiography

by Bernhard Reichel

The Mini and the Smart Roadster shared a similar idea. One became an icon, the other . . . a footnote. This book explains everything that should have made this car a success. Why it failed, well, that’s another story for another book.

Carrera 2.7

by Ryan Snodgrass

This top-of-the-food chain model is a bit of a sleeper among Porsche road cars but now a gloriously well-made, epic book tells the complete story. No kidding; see for yourself.

Dino – The V6 Ferrari

by Brian Long

For a few years now, the GT version of this late 1960s car is making everyone who once derided it as an inferior Ferrari look foolish and requires larger and larger checks to buy. If one is in your future, this book is a must.

De Tomaso, From Buenos Aires to Modena

by Daniele Pozzi

In every regard, de Tomaso had a full and complicated life, his exotic road cars were more practical and no less sexy than others but remained marginalized anyway, he was a wheeler-dealer in the best and the worst sense—this book sorts some of it out.

Sukhoi Su-24

by Yefim Gordon & Dmitriy Komissarov

Pick any three current conflicts from the news and chances are someone is operating this now 45-year-old aircraft in anger. What makes the Fencer so capable for so long? From micro to macro detail, this book answers everything.

Goodwood: Revival, Members’ Meeting, Festival of Speed

by Knut Gielen

Any of the three Goodwood events are pretty much bucket list items. If you’ve never been, this book is a splendid way to see what it’s all about. If you have, ditto, because you couldn’t possibly have seen everything there is to see

Antique and Classic Cars, Vol. 2

by Richard C. Wheatley & Brian Morgan

When this book came out half a century ago, the driver had to be smart where the car wasn’t. If a manual choke or a crash gearbox have you confused, this book tells of positively alien things.

Alfa Romeo: View From the Mouth of the Dragon

by S. Scott Callan

A history of . . . well, many things, among them Alfa Romeo. But that’s almost the least noteworthy bit about this – – – let’s call it a book and get on with it.

Men of the Battle of Britain

by Kenneth G. Wynn

Some 3,000 men denied the German Luftwaffe air superiority over Britain and thereby changed the war and the world. This monumental book records each of their stories and particulars.

Paint Locker Magic: A History of Naval Aviation Special Markings and Artwork

by William Tate & Jim Meehan

There are lots of books about nose art—this one takes a completely unexpected tack and explores, among other things, why naval aircraft have fewer decorations than those of other services.

Carrera RS

by Thomas Gruber and Georg Konradsheim

If the car is hard to find these days, try finding the first edition of this epic book! This book was and is a reference-level opus, so don’t miss it again.