Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Alfa Romeo Montreal: The Essential Companion

ALSO: The Dream Car that Came True

by Bruce Taylor

Good thing the 1967 Expo wasn’t held in Moscow as had originally been planned or Alfa Romeo might not have been given the brief to produce a car “to express man’s ultimate aspirations in the field of motor cars”.

Fouga Magister

by Tine Soetaert

This 1950s French aircraft was the world’s first tandem jet trainer produced in substantial numbers and this book shows you all its bits, from nose gear shimmy to boundary layer splitter plate. In other words, advanced stuff.

The Belgian Air Service in the First World War

by Walter M. Pieters

This outstanding book chronicles why and how little Belgium became such a big factor in a war in which it found itself involved from the first day to the last.

Motorama: GM’s Legendary Show & Concept Cars

by David W. Temple

In the 1950s and ‘60s, if you couldn’t make it to the car show, GM would bring its cars to a big city near you in the form of a rolling auto show replete with specially made “dream cars” for just this event.

Royal Prussian Jagdstaffel 30

by Bruno Schmäling & Winfried Bock

This first book of a new series shows a different—and better—approach to working from primary sources and focuses on the human story behind early military aviation.

The Top Gear Story

by Martin Roach

It’s not really possibly to be into cars and not know Top Gear. Which is not to say you’ll like it . . . it’s loud, too often offensive, sometimes racist. But the stunts—the editing—even the music, everything shows a deft command of the medium.

Show Rod Model Kits: A Showcase of America’s Wildest Model Kits

by Scotty Gosson

The wacky world of wacky kit cars is on full display here. Hot rods were once on the fringe—now they’re at Pebble Beach. Kit building is a great hobby, especially if you have the skills to color outside the lines.

Velocity: Heroes of American Auto Racing

by Pete Lyons

Twelve men that made a difference—for twelve months in which YOU will make a difference, right? Be inspired, learn something, look at pretty pictures. Go.

Turning Silver into Gold/Aus Silber wird Gold – 2014

by Hartmut Lehbrink

The silver Mercedes racers won the gold in 2014, the first time the works team won F1 top honors ever. The team won a whole bunch of other awards too so there was much to celebrate, and this is the official M-B “party book”—in more ways than one.

Porsche 918 Spyder

by Bogner, Pander, Peitzmeier

The technical specs of this hypercar are as mind-boggling as the sheer novelty of its technology. But more than that, much more than that, all the things that made this car possible that can’t be quantified on a spreadsheet really matter here. This book tries to capture that.

Boulton Paul Defiant

by Mark Ansell

What’s that behind the cockpit? And why are there things sticking out at the bottom? The Defiant is an interesting bit of kit with an undeservedly poor reputation.

Jacques Saoutchik – Maître Carrossier, Vol. 4 Addendum

by Peter M. Larsen & Ben Erickson

Only a few months earlier, the authors finished an 1100-page book on this subject, thinking, hoping that everything anyone would ever want to know had been recorded. And then wild and crazy things started coming out of the woodwork, hence this Addendum.