Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.

Fatal Army Air Forces Aviation Accidents in the United States, 1941–1945

by Anthony J. Mireles

War is bad; people die. But war isn’t just combat but also preparing for war. Did you realize that in aviation, more US lives were lost in training than in actual combat? Mireles started counting them—and isn’t done yet.

Interiors and the Legacy of Postmodernism

by Terry Farrell

You live in houses, walk through cities, take trains, go to public buildings. If you knew what to look for you might recognize what they have in common. Read the book, and next time you’ll know.

Terry the Tramp: The Life and Dangerous Times of a One Percenter

by K. Randall Ball

Becoming an outlaw biker is not a choice you make, or is it? Maybe remaining one is. Terry still is a member, after 42 years, having been ousted as president of his club and gone to jail. Why?

Le Mans Panoramic

by Gavin D Ireland 

A close-up, all-access look at two recent years of the world’s oldest sports car endurance race in sweeping double-page panorama shots that almost put you right into the scene!

How 30 Great Ads Were Made: From Idea to Campaign

by Eliza Williams

Go behind the scenes and see what it is that made some of these ads stick in your memory or even part of your cultural DNA—and just possibly buy the product!

Architecture of Transportation

Planes, trains, automobiles—how does the task of keeping people moving affect buildings?

Eric Gill: Autobiography

Introduction by Fiona MacCarthy

You’ve seen a Land Rover? A Rolls-Royce? Ever wondered about the crisp lettering of the logos? Wonder no more—Eric Gill’s your man.

Branching Out

Readers, reviewers, and publishers have expressed an interest in seeing “our kind” of reviews applied to other genres. We’re happy to oblige and will start with posting reviews of non-transportation items on the “off” days, i.e. Tuesdays and Thursdays. These posts will not be announced on Facebook/Twitter but the RSS feed will automatically update at […]

The ATL-98 Carvair: A Comprehensive History of the Aircraft and All 21 Airframes

by William Patrick Dean

Come fly with me—and bring your car along! Or a whale (no kidding)! That’s what the Carvair made possible. A good idea—but what happened to it?

Mercedes-Benz SL W113 Series: 1963 to 1971

by Brian Long

Beautiful car, beautiful book. Try to own at least one or the other! This year-by-year model history will steer you right.

Global Remains: Abandoned Architecture and Objects from Seven Continents

by Michael Clinton

Dust to dust. . . . From jet fighters to buildings, stuff is falling apart all around you. This book takes you on a tour of the globe.

Bentley Eight Litre

by Clare Hay

The 8L was Bentley’s attempt to move away from the sports car market and break into the luxury car business, competing directly with Rolls-Royce. The car was good, the business case not.