Archive for Author 'Sabu Advani', only excerpts shown, click title for full entry.
Brighton Belles, A Celebration of Veteran Cars

by David Burgess-Wise
The famous London-Brighton run admits only cars from the very dawn of motoring, from the middle of the nineteenth century up until 1904. What started as a primitive horseless carriage would turn into a 100 mph monster within a few short years.
The Pininfarina Book

by Günther Raupp (editor)
Is there such a thing as quintessential Italian style? Pininfarina, now 85 years in business, says yes. This book is supposed to make the case.
Female Tommies: The Frontline Women of the First World War

by Elisabeth Shipton
Why did men not want women in the military? Because it would have given them the right to vote! Perish the thought. But when nations were in danger of perishing, society changed its mind. For a while.
The Complete Bentley

by Eric Dymock
By the time of this book’s writing, 101 models had been built over some 90 years and they’re all in this lavishly illustrated book.
The Roycean: From Manchester to Crewe, via Derby, No. 6

by Tom Clarke, Will Morrison eds.
The Roycean, now in its sixth year, is an annual journal containing scholarly articles by a number of contributors on arcane but fascinating aspects of the history of Rolls-Royce and (Derby- and Crewe-built) Bentley motorcars up to the 1960s.
The Ride: New Custom Motorcycles And Their Builders

by Chris Hunter, Robert Klanten editors
Motorcycles with attitude. From one-off cost-no-object confections to creatively stroked basic Honda S90s this book offers a global look at new philosophies and old skills.
Finnish Fighter Colours 1939–1945, Vol. 2

by Kari Stenman & Karolina Hołda
A mass of information you’ll not easily find elsewhere, especially if you’re a modeler looking for ideas and definitive exactitude. While Finland had to buy its aircraft from other nations, there’s one domestic product here (and it really deserved to be on the cover!).
Aircraft of World War I, 1914–1918

by Jack Herris & Bob Pearson
Illustrated with detailed artwork of aircraft and markings this little book packs a punch belying its size. Anyone new to this fascinating subject will find it a competent guide.
The Chopper, The Real Story

by Paul d’Orléans
There are piles of books about choppers and motorcycle culture; none are like this one. If you recognize the bike on the cover even from this angle—that’s both good and bad . . . the book explains why.
Fall of the Flying Dragon: South Vietnamese Air Force 1973–75

by Albert Grandolini
After the US started to pull out in 1973, how did the numerically superior local forces they left in charge manage to lose the war? Drawing on new material this excellent book offers new—and very different—answers.
Total Performers: Ford Drag Racing in the 1960s

by Charles R. Morris
If you think a Velvet Brute is an umbrella drink you’d better read this book, quick. Written by someone who drove those cars in that decade the book offers an authentic look at a very unusual era marked, not least, by a Chevy v Ford debate on full boil.
Professor Porsche’s Wars

by Karl Ludvigsen
Ferdinand Porsche’s very successes had the unintended consequence of making him an increasingly indispensable national asset. This proximity to power kept his order books full, but at what cost?